Оглавление блога

воскресенье, 17 января 2010 г.

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Every language is unique, like a mirror that reflects the history contained in that language, its material and spiritual culture. And as popular wisdom says: "how many languages you know, how many times you're a person". Because only through language can you penetrate the deep soul of the people and really know their centuries-old experience. You learned at school, at university, foreign languages that are related to Russian language, since they all grew from one Indo-European parent language. Therefore, despite a few differences, in principal they are built on the same model.

Abkhazian language belongs to a different family of languages. Ahead of you waits a new and surprising discovery! A new language system, a new model of phrase construction, a new counting system...

(скачивается на узтранслейшнз)

Заранее предупреждаю, кто найдет (даже больше трех) - тому ничего не будет. Дед Мороз в отпуске.

Ой, абхазы (абхазцы) - ради бога не обижайтесь! Фазиль Искандер - мой Бог!

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